Since IT Security is such a HOT topic, I’ve put together a series of Weekly IT security tips to show you and your employees how to drastically reduce your chances of being a victim of cybercrime.

I want to do everything I can to educate business owners and their employees about how to avoid being low-hanging fruit for cybercrime. I’ve seen the devastation first hand and you do NOT want to fall victim.

Sign up for these weekly tips and strategies which could save you from:

  • Getting your bank account wiped out
  • Getting your clients’ personal information stolen
  • Losing critical data
  • Having your systems down for extended periods of time
  • Bad PR
  • Civil and criminal lawsuits and HUGE fines that can result from a data breach

Every week we’ll focus on a single, simple thing you can do to avoid a data breach. These emails will come from me, Lori Hardtke, and will have “IT Security Tip” in the subject line.

I’ll also alert you IMMEDIATELY if we become aware of any new threats developing that you need to be on high alert for. These emails will have the subject line “URGENT Security Alert” so you know to read them right away. We will provide details on the security threat along with our recommendation on how to stay protected.

Safe Surfing,

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.